You Know What I Think? With Jody Hanks

37. Change Management



You know what I think about change management? There are a number of change management theories and processes “on the books” today. And each and every one are more or less just variations of Kurt Lewin's foundational three phase change process of unfreezing, transitioning, and refreezing. In this podcast, I share various techniques manager's utilize in carrying out Lewin's change model. But first, I follow-up on the interview I did earlier this year with Rhonda Crowe, the CEO of MD Coaches, a company dedicated to empowering physicians to become the best version of themselves. Rhonda and her team are getting ready to launch a new podcast designed to spotlight physician leaders reflecting on the elements that made them successful. It's hosted by Dr. Randy Cook, a well-respected general and vascular surgeon, and also a former radio personality--which is pretty cool! The podcast is called "Rx for Success" and it'll be launching on September 23! You can listen to the podcast on your favorite podcast player or you