Hannah Holladay Health Radio

The Quickest Way to Become an Empowered Athlete



In this episode, I talk about the power of your spoken word. Have you ever been around someone that complains a lot? Have you noticed how the energy might be "heavy" or you might feel "drained" after hanging out with them. This shows the energetic power of spoken word. You are literally drained of energy because the dense vibrations of chosen words.  When you start to become conscious of the words that you speak, you gain your power back. By actively choosing more uplifting words and fostering a positive mindset, you signal to your brain to actively seek solutions to your problems. As an athlete (but really anyone!) this is so important because when the chips are down in a match or game and you go into complaining mode, you narrow your focus and can only see what's in front of you, disempowering you. When you shift your mindset, this expands your awareness and you begin to see opportunities and solutions to dig yourself out of the hole. If you liked this episode, please leave a review! Are you ready to b