Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 06-20 | Too Much of a Distraction?



Description It’s late at night.  You’ve just settled down to sleep.  Then you hear a vibration from the smartphone on your nightstand.  Can you resist the urge to check it? Smartphones and now smart watches are - or at least seem to be - an essential part of our life. We look at them frequently to check facebook, instagram, news, sports, weather, or to see what our best friend is eating right now.  But do the benefits of these devices outweigh the distractions?  If we as adults have a trouble resisting the temptation to be on our devices, should we be concerned about our students as well? We’ll share what we think  along with the thoughts of some amazing educators here in Asia. Lessons Learned Chris - “Fine” is not an acceptable answer if you are asking how someone is doing. If you are going to ask how someone is feeling, then really mean it. Really meaning it, don’t let a casual “Fine” end it, especially if you suspect that not everything is fine. If you are really interested in how a person is fairing then