Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

145. The four ways we limit our successes.



Thank you for listening and subscribing and thank you for sharing each episode with the people who matter to you. Many of you have reached out this past week and asked the same question. How do we limit ourselves? Probably, the most relevant question to be asked by anyone in any profession or any circumstance.   Bottom Line Up Front, the BLUF. We limit ourselves in 4 basic ways on a daily basis.   We start out skipping some wake up function to our body. We rarely read out loud each morning what our goals are for that day. We skip sharing our goals with our partners and family and often neglect listening to their goals. We all respond emotionally to what the day brings.   Clearly there are secondary and tertiary ways and mechanisms that limit us. Yet without realizing the 4 basic ways have already set us up to be less the secondary and tertiary are irrelevant.   Before I share some examples and functional ways to effect the 4 basic ways to not limit yourself, let me explain why our world is constructed around