Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 3-Episode 11 – Nick Farrell



One of today's most important representatives of Ceremonial Magic (and more) on Episode 10: NICK FARRELL Nick Farrell was born 1965 in the UK. His family moved to New Zealand when he was six montsh old and at the age of three he started to suffer from terrifying dreams which appeared real. These visions lasted until he was 17 when he bought his first set of Tarot cards and suddenly found himself in a Golden Dawn offshoot called Builders of the Adytum. Nick started to read everything he could find on the Golden Dawn and Magic. Nick moved to Hawkes Bay where he hooked up with the former members of the last surviving temple of the Golden Dawn, Whare Ra. In particular he joined the Order of the Table Round which was a side order of the now defunct Whare Ra temple. The head of the order was Percy Wilkinson who, along with Jack Taylor, had implanted the Golden Dawn’s initiatory formula over the top of the original ritual. Percy and a few of the other elderly Golden Dawn adepts shared a lot of ideas with Nick who at