Bloom And Brawn

A Money Management Tip That Will Bring You More Security and Joy



Money Management is the #1 thing most women report struggling with. It's like dieting, when we feel deprived we are more likely to just go blow our diet and our money. Today I am sharing with you one tip on how to work your intention over impulsion muscle, become more aware of your spending without feeling deprived, and have a physical energetic exchange to make you feel more joy and more abundance which will attract more of that into your life. Be sure to screenshot and share this epsiode on IG and tag @msaleciaharris. Would also love if you subscribed and wrote a review of this podcast so I can keep providing you valuable content.  Only two spots left for 1:1 guidance for the rest of 2019! Find more details and affordable payment plans here: Want to work with me in 2020 and want even lower payment plans? DM me to see how you can start paying now to lower your payment. If you love this episode please share with your friends by screenshotting and tagging @m