Tales Of Corwin

Chapter Nine: Squirrel-Friends (Part Two)



Monday morning early, Mark was just getting back to the house from a run, alone. Since Sandra had moved in, she’d tried running with him a couple of times, and he had tried joining Sandra’s yoga practice. But when it came to exercise, they didn’t seem to be compatible. Mark liked to push himself hard on the road, which Sandra apparently found unpleasant; she’d teased him about it, saying that she didn’t want to run with someone who was punishing himself for his sins. Mark had decided, for his part, that Sandra’s yoga was far more fun to watch her do than to do himself. So now, Mark was back to running by himself. It was nice to be able still to enjoy an outdoor run, this late in the year. He usually drew the line somewhere in the upper twenties; any colder than that, and he’d take it indoors, to the town’s municipal gym. He began stretching on the front steps. As he did so, he watched a white van come all the way down Amber street, and finally pull into his driveway. The driver-side door opened, and Chris ho