Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 3-Episode 10 – Madeleine LeDespencer



A highly inspiring talk with Madeleine LeDespencer, visual artist, author, identifying herself as Demimondaine, Absintheuse and Adoratrice de Satan... Madeleine LeDespencer is a visual artist and author who resides in London, England. Her research and practice are focused on sodalities of heretical Catholicism, devotional Diabolism, and Gnostic Revival in fin de siècle France. For the past several years she has published articles for Hadean Press, Three Hands Press, and others on topics ranging from Absinthe as entheogen, the erotic mysteries of Vintras’ Catholic heresies, and the work of Maria de Naglowska. She edited the upcoming volume from Three Hands Press WITCH:IKON collecting visual representations of sorcery throughout the ages. Madeleine has given lectures around the world on these topics and facilitates an invitation-only Salon in London dedicated to the exploration of art, literature, and the extremities of aestheticism. Her first full-length book, Le Catholicisme Noir – The Devotional Blasphemies