Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 3-Episode 7 – Rubaphilos Salfluere



I thought I would let Rubaphilos Salfluere explain his biography a bit himself. Here is his text: "My journey in to the realm of Hermetism, and more specifically Hermetic alchemy, began in the mid-80s when I first came across the works of Carlos Castaneda. They were the first books that presented to me the concept that systematic and complex systems of esoteric training existed from time immemorial. An idea that I had never come across previously. In the late 80’s in to the 90’s I met the last New Zealand graduate student of the famous alchemist Frater Albertus and began what would turn out to be a nine year long laboratory apprenticeship with her. That was the beginning of my Hermetic education, which would eventually see me involved in esoteric fraternities such as AMORC, Builders of the Adytum, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Freemasonry and The Philosophers of Nature; always as a rank-and-file student, sometimes in administrative offices, often as a ritual officer and occasionally in a position of