Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 3-Episode 2 – Jaime Paul Lamb



This is after quite some time a “masonic episode” again, but is not just for masons, but about Masonry and very special aspects of the craft! Brother Jaime and I talk about occult perspectives of Freemasonry and his book “Myth, Magick and Masonry”. Jaime Paul Lamb, Freemason and occultist, is the author of MYTH, MAGICK & MASONRY: Occult Perspectives in Freemasonry (The Laudable Pursuit, 2018). He is a member of Old Well-Saint John’s Lodge no. 6, F.&A.M., a Charter member and Lodge Organist of Ascension Lodge no. 89, F.&A.M., a frater of the Arizona College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, a frater of the Hermetic Society of the G ∴ D ∴, Past Master of Arizona Research Lodge no. 1, and is a past member the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite NMJ (Valley of Bridgeport) & SJ (Valley of Pasadena) and Phoenix York Rite Bodies (Royal Arch, Cryptic Masonry and Knights Templar). Lamb has been writing and lecturing on Masonic and occult subjects since 2013. His work has been published in Knight Tem