Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 2-Episode 9 – Lee Gerrard-Barlow



    Lee Gerrard-Barlow has over 20 years of experience in the Ancient Mystery Traditions, working with Trance states , meditation , magical and Yoga based practices . He is an experienced lecturer ,a seminar leader and the Premier Trainer for ISI/CNV International , the continental school of Dr Marco Paret where he teaches the arts of Magnetism (Mesmerism), Fascination and 'Presence' based therapies. He has trained as an N.L.P Master Practitioner under Dr Richard Bandler's 'Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming' and has comprehensively studied 'Hypnosis' at the prestigious Institute of Clinical Hypnosis . He currently runs a busy hypnotherapeutic practice in London and delivers workshops and seminars in UK and internationally in Mesmerism and Presence. And this is his website