Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 2-Episode 1 – Angel Millar



Angel Millar is the author of "The Crescent and the Compass: Islam, Freemasonry, Esotericism and Revolution in the Modern Age" (2015), "Freemasonry: Foundation of the Western Esoteric Tradition" (2014), and "Freemasonry: A History" (2005), as well as numerous articles on spirituality and related subjects. His writing has been published in New Dawn magazine, Quest magazine, The Philalethes (Masonic magazine), The Journal of Indo-European Studies, and at Disinfo dot com, among others. He also writes for, and edits, Phalanx — a blog about spirituality, esotericism, religion, martial arts, and self-development. Besides writing, he regularly gives lectures and talks on various aspects of esotericism, Freemasonry, self-improvement, and Traditionalism, etc. He has spoken at The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Library and Museum on several occasions, to the Philosophy department of Mensa NY, on US and Canadian radio, on Occult of Personality podcast several times, at Catland bookstore in Brooklyn, and to private soc