Imperial College Podcast

Podcast: Vaping concerns, medical detection dogs, and a visit to CERN



In this edition: We explore the possible harms of vaping, meet dogs trained to detect disease, and travel through the physics of CERN. News: Sepsis alert and dreaming while awake – We find out about a new system to automatically alert doctors to patients displaying signs of sepsis, and discover how the psychedelic drug in  ayahuasca affects the brain. Is vaping dangerous? – We examine the evidence around recent deaths from e-cigarettes, exploring how non-sanctioned uses and flavourings may be harmful, while also recognising how vaping helps cigarette smokers avoid potentially worse effects. The dogs that sniff out disease – We meet medical detection dogs that are being trained (by their human researchers) to recognise early lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients before they become chronic and cause damage. A voyage through CERN – We visit the home of the Large Hardon Collider, investigating the forefront of particle physics and meeting Imperial researchers trying to answer big questions about the univ