Founders And Funders

BONUS EPISODE: Celebrating the First Anniversary of Spirits & Startups in Boston



Over the last year, we’ve shared a series of bonus segments from Spirits & Startups, Alumni Ventures Group's investor appreciation event. In October 2019, AVG returned to Boston to host its latest installment of the series. Producer Scott Murphy joined the team in Boston to capture the sights and sounds of the event. Listen to our podcast from the event or read a summary below. Subscribe to Founders and Funders on iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, Google Play, iHeartRADIO, and Android Podcast Players. Episode Summary This is Scott Murphy from Alumni Ventures Group, one of the most active venture capital firms in the world. I attended our largest Spirits & Startups event yet at our new Boston location in Post Office Square. I had the fantastic opportunity to talk with the entrepreneurs behind AVG portfolio companies, our AVG team members, and investors. Keep reading for a recap of this exciting evening. Hors d'oeuvres at Spirits + Startups. Keith Patankar photo. "It’s actually our fifth event and second time here in