Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

156. Health: what are you waiting for?



The older I become the more I ask myself and others this question.  What are you waiting for?  It is the beginning of the year and for god’s sake the year is 2020 and 2020 implies clear vision so let’s not waste it.  I know, I know you are waiting for something but that something will never come.  School is in the way, injury is in the way, your spouse doesn’t support, you are too old or too young, you are too busy with a job or too busy finding a job.  It is too cold outside.  I get it.  I was reading an article on American obesity this morning and it made me laugh.  The next article was on how fewer Americans than ever before can pass the physical screening test to enter the military; that made cry.  So, are you telling me the American public with all the money and opportunity and free access to how to be healthy is worse than ever before?  Is that what you are telling me? I hope that got your attention like it did mine. Hey this is a new year so let’s all start where we are and get after health.  Here is w