Beyond Your Wildest Genes

[PODCAST] Shake it Off: An Integrative Approach to Parkinson’s Solutions



Shake it Off: An Integrative Approach to Parkinson’s Solutions with Dr. Greg Eckel from Nature Cure’s Clinic. Dr. Eckel is a Naturopathic Doctor and Licensed Acupuncturist with areas of focus in Neurology, Allergies and Asthma, and Orthopedics. Dr. Eckel’s Treatment Philosophy is: “I don’t treat conditions, diagnoses or signs & symptoms.  I treat people as whole dynamic beings moving through time and space.” Dr. Eckel’s Mission Statement is: “My purpose and passion is to help as many people as I can achieve optimal wellness through an integrative care model” Dr. Eckel can be reached at   We are happy to announce that for the entire month of December all BYWGs Premium Supplements are 10% off using the code bywggift. We were thinking of doing the proverbial Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale but we wanted to standout.  We wanted to do more – so our “Holiday Sale” runs the entire month of December on all 10 Premium – Intelligently De