Braving Babylon 5

Episode 96 - Deny Everything



"And All My Deams, Torn Asunder" - Season 5, Episode 16 Depressing, fatalistic, horrifyingly relevant, and I loved every minute! "Tell all your agents never to confess. If they're confronted with a photo of themselves with a soviet contact or a German contact, it's a fake. If they confront you with a report in your own handwriting, it's a forgery. Just deny everything." - Kim Philby, cold war double-agent for the Soviet Union. The email address for the show is and you can find me on Twitter at @bravingb5 Many thanks as always to Phil Steere for the podcast logo, and to everyone downloading the podcast and giving me a listen, much appreciated. Huge thanks to listener Steve Evans for his big contribution to the show. I've really been enjoying "Swindled" lately, a podcast about white collar crime, fraudsters, hucksters etc. Give it a go: A rare gem - an actual play Dungeons and Dragons podcast that's super smart, super funny but not over the top and has a terrific