Straight Talk With Supply Chain Insights

Demand Driven Transformation with Rick Sather of Kimberly-Clark



Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_422", {soundFile:""}); Rick Sather, Vice President of Customer Supply Chain at Kimberly-Clark, is the very special guest on this week’s Straight Talk with Supply Chain Insights.  Hear how Kimberly-Clark transformed their supply chain to improve costs, take lead times out and improved their top-line sales. Regina Denman is your host as Lora Cecere interviews Rick Sather on how Kimberly-Clark made the transition to becoming demand driven.  Rick discusses how they integrated the supply chain teams and the sales teams and how that has helped them make the connection from the shelf all the way back. They looked at how they could take cash...