Authors Access

[Ep #136] Bill See - From Indie Musician to Indie Author: Every you need to know to DIY



On June 16th, Irene Watson and Victor R. Volkman spoke with legendary punk rocker Bill See about publishing and marketing his own memoir. Bill See was the lead singer for critically acclaimed Los Angeles indie rock band Divine Weeks before continuing on as a solo artist.He shared his D.I.Y. know-how from his band days now to promote and market his own book and covered several topics: How the music industry was revolutionized and is still trying to adjust to the changes and speak to the theories and similarities to the literary world. The pros and cons of self publishing vs. traditional publishing. Marketing/promoting: Traditional media vs. underground, blogging and social media, etc. Pros and cons of hiring a publicist as a self published author. What is money well spent in promotion. Most important aspects of promotion before actually starting the campaign (i.e. title, keywords, metadata, keywords, social media, book trailers)