Authors Access

Brian Jud - Selling Outside the Bookstore to Increase Your Profits



On April 21, 2011 Susan Violante and Alan E. Smith spoke with author, entrepreneur, and marketing guru Brian Jud. He is the author of How to Make Real Money Selling Books and Beyond the Bookstore describing new ways to sell more books profitably to special-sales buyers. Susan Violante is an Assistant Editor at Reader Views and Alan E. Smith is host of the popular Unbreak Your Health podcast series. Our hosts and guest covered a variety of topics related to breaking out of the bookstore and employing non-traditional sales areans to tap enormous potential markets:* What is the definition of special sales?* What are examples of non-traditional sales?* What are the benefits of selling to these segments?* How big is the market for non bookstore sales?* Should publishers sell to non-bookstore markets instead of bookstores?* Can fiction be sold to non-bookstore markets, or are these only for non-fiction?