Authors Are Rockstars!

Jordan Dane: Extra Special Edition



Look at that audiobook cover... you may see a familiar name. That's right-- I'm the narrator of a YA audiobook by the fabulous author Jordan Dane.On today's podcast, Allison and I chat with Jordan via Skype to talk about her newest release Indigo Awakening and then Allison turns the mic around to interview both Jordan and I about the audiobook release of In the Arms of Stone Angels. I have to admit, it was a bit weird to be on the other side of the interview!Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Both Indigo Awakening and the print edition of In the Arms of Stone Angels were published by HarlequinTeen and are available at your favorite retailer. You can purchase the audiobook of In the Arms of Stone Angels on iTunes, Amazon or hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes s