Authors Are Rockstars!

Shannon Messenger: March Podcast & Giveaway



We are thrilled to have Shannon Messenger on the podcast! She is a most delightful person, and her YA debut, Let the Sky Fall, is in bookstores everywhere TODAY. Michelle is supposed to be taking it easy with her baby, but she is currently doing her "happy book" dance. She is just that excited!Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.And there's a giveaway to celebrate the launch of this fantastic series! We're thrilled to be giving away signed ARCs of Let the Sky Fall. To enter, just comment on this post and tell us which wind direction you would want to be: North, South, East, or West. Be sure to leave your email or Twitter handle along with your comment so we can contact the winner. Contest is open to US residents only. Comment to enter by Sunday, March 10. We have three signed copies to giveaway and one unsigned so FOUR WINNERS!Visit Shannon's blog to keep up with her latest news, and be sure to stop by her publisher, Simon & Schuster.And stay tuned... We wil