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Beth Revis: February Podcast



Beth Revis is back on the show, y'all! She joined us via Skype to discuss the stunning final volume in her Across the Universe series.We were utterly thrilled to chat with Beth again, and we know you're going to love this interview. Also in this episode, Michelle goes on maternity leave and Allison shares her book pick of the month, The Star of Kazan, by Eva Ibbotson.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes.Stop by Beth's website to keep up with her latest news, and visit her publisher, Razorbill (an imprint of Penguin).Edit: Oh my gosh! We almost forgot to mention the awesome giveaway that Beth is doing for our listeners. You could win a set of signed Across the Universe books. Just comment and tell us... if you had a spaceship, what would YOU name it? Be sure to include your Twitter handle or a way for us to contact you. We'll post the winner on the blog next week on March 5th with our Shannon Messenger launch party podcast! US Residents only please.Podcast hosting cour