Authors Are Rockstars!

Kirby Larson: Special Edition Podcast



In anticipation of the American Library Association's Midwinter Meeting in Seattle this weekend, we present a special project: Librarians are ROCKSTARS! We teamed up with Steve from the Circulating Ideas podcast to interview two very awesome authors about their experiences with libraries. First up is Kirby Larson!Kirby Larson received the Newbery Honor for Hattie Big Sky, and its highly-anticipated sequel,  Hattie Ever After, hits bookstore shelves on February 12th.Want to download this podcast? Click here for an mp3 or find us on iTunes!Get acquainted with Kirby at her website, and be sure to stop by her publisher, Delacorte, an imprint of Random House. And for part two of our Librarians are ROCKSTARS! collaboration, visit Circulating Ideas this Thursday.Podcast hosting courtesy of Intro music by 46bliss. Special thanks to our sound engineer, Marc Conrad Tabula, for his awesome audio editing skills. Please subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes so you'll never miss an episode-- and w