Purpose With Corie Clark




Corie interviews Amber Brueseke, BSN to chat all things health, macros, and taking care of yourself as an entrepreneur. Join Amber’s FREE Macros class here: https://bicepsafterbabies.com/corie Get on the waitlist for Corie’s live event at https://corieclark.com/live As entrepreneurs we can often put our own health and energy on the back-burner. The problem with this is, our health is our biggest asset. In fact, if something happens to us, how in the world will our business survive? Amber helps women achieve their health and fitness goals from a place of gratitude and self love. She believes it is possible (and important!) to work for the body you want WHILE loving the body you have. This is the premise she built her company Biceps After Babies around. She firmly believes you are 100% worthy as you art but learning how to set and achieve personal goals will help you better understand how freaking powerful you are. She is a registered nurse, certified personal trainer AND wife of 1 and mom to 4. Join Amber’s FR