Sell More

Vulnerability – Overcoming a Learning Disability, Mumbling and ADHD While Rising To Success – SM06



Vulnerability is new for me. It’s very foreign and very frightening. I have tried to be vulnerable in the past, but the old school, hard ass mentality I grew up with just kicked in, by default, as soon as I tried. A poor excuse, I know. But I believe that everything happens for a reason. I wasn’t ready to be vulnerable at the time. I wasn’t ready to show all of me. It’s not an easy thing for people to do. Many live their entire lives hiding behind a version of themselves that is not really them. It’s sad to think about because there is so much the real you can give to the world. But because we have this misconception implanted in our brains to feel and act a certain way, we hide some of the best values we possess. That is selfish. Again, being vulnerable is not easy. I believe there is a certain way to do it. What I will tell you from my personal experience is that starting to be vulnerable, to be you, is such a sense of relief. That’s what this episode of Sell More is all about. It’s me b