Xicana Code Switchers

Nurturing Networks: When You Get, Give



We invited 2nd year PhD student, Mayra Puente, to discuss family dynamics, her undergraduate experience at UCLA and her PhD graduate program at UCSD. Mayra also offered her advice to anyone thinking about pursuing a PhD program and applying to prestigious fellowships. We spoke at length about how we can own our greatness in predominantly white spaces and advice to sustain us in academia. The episode title was inspired by Maya Angelous' quote: "When you get, give. When you learn, teach". For all our listeners, you can email us at xicanacodeswitchers@gmail.com and send us your POC business, conference, and event shout outs and listener letters. You could also record a listener message on Anchor app and that way we can include your recorded message in our future episodes. Follow us on Instagram @XicanaCodeSwitchers and on Twitter @XCodeSwitchers. If you want to support this podcast and want to contribute to our graduate school fund, you can Venmo us @XicanaCodeSwitchers. Thank you all for tuning in to this week’