Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #42: Something embarrassing has come to my attention and I can’t unlearn it!



I recently had a conversation with a friend and realized, as much as I intellectually know the phrase, life is a journey. I really don’t want it to apply to me! In other words, I want there to come a time where I figure it all out, I reach the mountain top of self-actualization and I don’t have to do anymore ”self-reflective work”!! Is that too much to ask!? I also know I would be robbing myself of a ton of wonderful life experiences however, I still fantasize about it. In my experience, life is ever-evolving and there's always something new to uncover. I'm not exempt from falling short. Quite frankly, I've come to the humbling realization that, I expect to fall short... And there in lies the real problem. On a side note, I have just discovered that you can ask me a question or leave comment about the podcast by leaving a voicemail. So, if you’d like to comment, ask a question or maybe even be on one of my podcast, leave me a voicemail. Maybe I'll figure out how to use it!