Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #41: Is it resistance, unmanageability or both?



It’s been a long time since I’ve had a hangover but I had one yesterday. Unfortunately, it wasn’t from a good night of partying, it was from a damn counseling session... with my wife! As much as I love counseling, personal development, coaching, and therapy, wading through uncomfortable issues are never fun. Especially when it's your issues! The conversation wasn’t new. Even the topics we were covering weren’t new. It was having to, once again, look at another way in which my fear, insecurity, and self-worth are running my life and affecting those closest to me. Until a few months ago, I wouldn’t have been able to understand how these shortcomings were influencing virtually every decision I’ve made. I’d argue, most people are not aware of how much fear, insecurity, and self-worth negatively influence their life because they can’t see it. I would consider myself pretty evolved and I couldn’t see it. That’s because they exist deep down in the subconscious and have been there since their early childhood. Recentl