Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #31: I get worse before I get better - Change always sounds good... Until you have to do the work!



Ever start making changes in you life then, after a while, you're worse off than you were before you started? That's where I am at this exact moment! I've been working on being more kind and compassionate at home with my wife and son and I'll be damned if it doesn't seem to be getting worse. I felt great for about 2 weeks but lately, I feel more on edge, more restless and less compassionate than ever. This is probably an exaggeration but I feels true! I've been in a place in my life for a while now where I'm wondering, "what the hell is missing"? There have been so many good things in my life but something still seems off. So, I've been digging into some of the behavioral traits I've been living in since childhood. Some have served me well over the years and some have been making me miserable. In doing so, I've been having breakthroughs and ah-ha moments almost everyday. These breakthroughs make so much sense and seem like such easy fixes, yet, I'm still acting a fool! I figured emplementing the changes would