Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Episode #25: Chiropractic, Mental Health, Fear, A Heavy Heart... It’s Complicated



Most mornings I wake up full of fear. It doesn’t always feel like fear but it’s there... more like an uneasiness in my gut, like a low hum. I’m always worried that “they’re” going to find out. You know, find out that I don’t know what I’m doing!!! I also consistently feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. One of the reasons I tell you this is, many times I think everyone else has “it” together and has figured “it” out. Well, I’m in the same group as most of you... trying to figure it out and do my best to not let anyone know I don’t know what I’m doing! One of the reasons I love talking about personal development, recovery and mental health is, it’s the shiz I need to hear myself. When I give people life advice or direction, ultimately, I’m talking to me just as much as I’m talking to them. Speaking of my chiropractors, Eric and Jasmine at Active Edge Chiropractic in Grandview Ohio, the best chiropractors I’ve ever been to! Not to discount my longtime buddy Kevin “Super Duper” Hall in Austin who al