After Hours With Frosty, Heidi And Frank

A Comedy Firestorm



Another amazing After Hours is in the bag. Heidi, Frank, and Smeez are all over the place- going from one topic to the next, like a comedy firestorm. First subject on today's After hours... the fancy shmancy Nog Lobster shirts. Do you want one? Too bad.... they're in limited supply! Then Frank brings up several "underwear" stories. The first, underwear made for people OVER 600 pounds. Wouldn't that just be a sheet? Next, Queen Elizabeth has a pair of underwear goin' up on the auction block. They're yellow, and kinda' bloomer-like! Sounds hot. And the last underwear story is much more serious. Apparently people in Ghana are being forced to purchase second hand undies. So the Ghana government has officially banned all sales of used underwear. Phew... crisis adverted. Other topics on today's After Hours: Spencer's Gifts, paper guitars, Herpes in oysters, and Heidi's secret desire to have sex with large black men. You really need to listen to the entire After Hours. For all this and more download today's podcas