Tamahn Jamison

S.A.L.E.S. is Simple™ Podcast Ep:32



Selling is fun. Not selling is not. And sometimes we get in a funk where we may go a day, a few days, a week or a month where we're "off our game". If and when that happens, listen to this episode for 3 easy tips on how to get out of that funk. (If you are having 2 bad months back-to-back, then you probably need to listen to Episode 21 - Are You Considering a Change in Sales?) My 3 tips for getting out of a funk are: 1) Focus like an NFL quarterback when he is not on the field. Study what you did and what you should have done before it gets too late. 2) Remember why you sell. Is it for the money, the thrill or because you like to help others? Maybe it is for another reason. But remind yourself why you sell, why you sell what you sell and why you sell where you sell. 3) Stay positive. Having a positive mental attitude (PMA) will greatly decrease the chances of you being in a funk for long. Negativity will only prolong the situation that you're in and drag you deeper into it.