Her Story - Son Histoire À Elle

Death Series - Amélie Villeneuve: La plus grande justice



In certain lineages of Buddhism one important meditation is that if death.  Meditating on death can be an albeit peculiar way of appreciating this earthly life.  I’ve been wanting to talk more deeply about the subject for a very long time perhaps as a way to prepare for the inevitable, perhaps as a way to find some succour and beauty in the greatest mystery of all.  What better way to welcome in a new year than to contemplate death not alone but with other people who are around it and study it.  After speaking to my guests on the death series, I am reminded that we will never know what it is until we go through it, and we will go through it.  The dying remind us that under the layers and veneer of this mortal coil is a truth that we can access by opening our hearts, listening deeply and being present with one another. This is something my last guest has practiced. Amelie Villeneuve currently works in palliative care as a spiritual aid in a public hospital here in Montreal.  My ta