Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Authentic Frequency Part 2: What it Means to Live in Your Truth



In this episode, I discuss my journey in discovering my authentic truth. Peeling back the layers of conditioning for me allowed me to see there is not one map to success. In me trying to align myself to other people's truth and definition of success I only found myself lost, confused, full of self doubt and stressed.  Finding your truth is the road less traveled but the very thing that will lead you to happiness.  If this episode resonated for you, please share it!  **NOTE: I drop several F bombs in this episode - it's was my truth at the time :) If you want support in getting out of survival mode and into your authentic truth, hit me up. Follow me on social media @hannahlholladay or reach out through email to book a coaching call or energy healing session at hholladay@gmail.com