Running Wild With Christine

Ep 47: The Sex Goddess Project, with Ricardo Scipio



Meet Ricardo Scipio, your friendly neighborhood sex photographer. Trinidad-born, Ricardo grew up in Toronto. After attending The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, he started his art career as a fashion photographer and then later as a fine art nude photographer. As per our usual we discuss life's weird way to take us down its rabbit hole to endeavoring to photograph "authentic people, having authentic, unapologetic, unashamed, real sex." The Sex Goddess Project is a very diverse, sex-positive and body-positive project that pushes back against slut-shaming and challenges the way sex is depicted. A very diverse group of women and transpersons of all shapes, and sizes and colours and gender-identities celebrate their sexuality, through these glorious moments of joy, connection, intensity, ecstasy, and abandon. Topics covered: growing up in a born again Christian background, career transitioning, spontaneous masturbation, how his goddesses led him from nudes to sex, fear & sex, porn a