Dr. Dan Hayden - A Word From The Word

King Among Thieves - John 19:16-22



John 19:16-22 - God has often used the mockery of sinners to proclaim the truth and to glorify His name. That was the case with Caiaphas, the high priest, when he spoke conniving words of evil in John 11:50 ...it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people. He meant that the death of Jesus would appease the Roman Empire and would put the rest of them in good favor with Pilate. However, he did not realize that he was actually speaking the truth of God that Jesus would die for the sins of His people. It was the same with the mocking words of Pilate attached to the cross. Pilate was simply taunting the Jews with the ludicrous idea that this Jesus was the King of the Jews, but what he wrote was true and in writing it he fulfilled the purpose of God. It was the King of the Jews who was laying down His life for the people. Jesus our Savior was a King Among Thieves for us. (33:38)