Sport Eagle

Talking Fussball: Episode 63



7,890 shots, 898 goals, 183 headers, 110 ‘Joker’ goals, 2,979 corners, 1,712 offsides, 9,227 fouls, 64 red cards and 7 managerial sackings – the 50th season of the Bundesliga most certainly didn’t disappoint! To look back on the historic campaign the Talking Fussball crew gather for the final time this season as James, Alex, Jon, […]Related Posts:Settima giornata di Bundesliga: Bayern…Basket Champions League: cadono Bamberg e BonnEurocup: Ulma abbatte la Stella Rossa Belgrado 95-80Il Bayern in Eurolega è pura magia: Darüşşafaka…Euroleague: il Fener si aggiudica il big match