Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Align to Your Authentic Frequency During Retrograde Season



Now is a perfect time to deep dive into the work to align you with your authenticity. During this retrograde season (in which several planets - Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and more are going retrograde) this energy is the perfect time to go within and reflect. This is an energy of deep transformation and rebirth. (BTW, I do not claim to be an astrology! I happen to study it myself and work with astrologers but I am no expert! - I use it in my work because it influences every aspect of our lives - I've linked 2 astrologers down below to check out.)  This is a powerful time to reevaluate your relationships, habits, values, belief systems, and relationship to money. During this period (the next 6-7 weeks May/June) you can do some deep inner healing and reprogramming.  This is the time to discover and get in alignment with your core values. When we do this, we feel fulfilled and satisfied. This is the process of healing and uncovering blocks that are stopping us from trusting our desires and v