Leading In Color With Sarah Morgan

Office Return Readiness after COVID19 (Leading In Color - Season 2, Episode 23)



Sarah Morgan kicks off the #ReOpeningAfterRona series with this episode focused on all the questions you need to ask your employees and all the steps you need to take to prepare your office to reopen after the COVID19 pandemic.  This episode is Part 1 of this 7-part series that will crossover between Leading in Color and Sarah's blog, The Buzz on HR.  Sarah is also providing exclusive content to her BuzzARooney subscribers as part of this series. Signup HERE to subscribe and get her exclusive content.  With this episode, subscribers receive 2 free downloads:  Employee Needs Survey - This list of survey questions will help you find out the concerns and needs of your employees about re-entering the traditional workplace as restrictions lessen and businesses reopen   Office Reopening Readiness Questionnaire - This list of questions to consider will help you think through all the contingencies for your employees and your office before reopening and inviting employees to re-enter the workplace.  To join the B