Full Coverage

Everything We've Learned About Beauty (So Far)



Hey podfam,So, this isn't the BEST timing ever but due to our very hectic schedules, we've decided to take a hiatus from the pod for a little while BUT don't despair! We'll be back! And there's this whole episode to enjoy before then! We're talking through everything we've learned over the last three years, 84 episodes and 1,000,000 downloads (seriously, thank you!) and sharing some of our absolute favourite discoveries we've made along the way.Please note this was recorded a little while ago, before the shelter in place order was put out in LA so we were very lucky to be able to record together (with Paddington and Ronnie, Harry's dog children) and before the world went entirely topsy turvy. We love you absolutely loads and hope you're all staying safe, wherever you may be. We'll be back in a little while with more beauty chat but until then, we'll see you in the Facebook group!Love,Lindsey 'The Sexy Robot' Kelk & Harry 'Difficult Eyes' Hadfield xoxo—————————————————————————————————-Our Patreon is curren