Fishonted - Ted Johnson

Shocking Interview with Larry Lawton



Along with being an inspiring business man Larry Lawton has many accolades to his name including: - Recognized on the floor of Congress in Washington DC - Feature Guest on the Mike Huckabee Show on Fox News - Developer of the most successful program for At Risk Kids and Young Adults ..... but Larry is also recognized for a few other things - Larry was on the FBI's Most Wanted List - Larry was known as America's  biggest Jewel Thief In this inspiring interview Larry tells us his story of building a thriving business from adversity.  How he went from being America's biggest Jewel thief to becoming a highly recognized business person that is building on his passions of helping young people make the right choices in life. All business owners face challenges and adversity in building their ventures and Larry has definitely overcome his share.   Larry's stories and lessons have given many the fortitude to face their own fears and overcome the tests they face in life.