Martha Creek

Martha Creek Mini-Series – Week 1 – March 6, 2016



Can you tell the difference between fantasy and reality?  If you're living with drama and fear in your life, then the answer is you can't tell the difference.  Join Martha Creek for a 4-week miniseries and learn what is fantasy and what is reality.  Martha will teach you how to question every thought going through your mind so you can know the truth.  She will give you tools to use so you can live a happy, joy-filled life. The practices, exercises, and experiences Martha offers invites participants to approach their inner work as an adventurer with a sense of curiosity and wonder. Being a master of the art of right questioning, Creek, in her workshops calls forth the most stubborn, self-defeating, and embedded patterns in participants with an invitation to a new reality. In this first of a 4-part series, Martha introduces the Work and methods of watching your thoughts. Whose business am I in?, Yours?, Mine?, or God's?