Coffee Break German

CBG Mag 1.07 | Entdecke die Bremer Stadtmusikanten



Have you heard the one about the donkey, the dog, the cat and the rooster? In this episode of the Coffee Break German Magazine we're finding out about the famous Town Musicians of Bremen. First published in Grimms' Fairy Tales in 1819, Die Bremer Stadmusikanten has become a key part of the cultural legacy of the German-speaking world. We'll also hear from listener Nick who wants to know more about the small but versatile word doch, and Olivera is back with another long German word.In each episode of this 10-lesson season for intermediate learners you can build your vocabulary, increase your understanding of grammar and learn to use the German language in a more natural way. This series follows on from Seasons 1 and 2 of Coffee Break German. If you have a question for the show, call our voicemail lines: UK - +44 (0) 141 416 6880; US (347) 474 6880; Australia (08) 7200 6880, or visit and leave us your message.There will be a total of 10 episodes in Season 1 of the Coffee Break German Ma