Monavations With Coach Mona

Level Up Your Confidence with guest, Evg. Sherry Self



Meet my special guest, The Host and Executive Director of her own Telecast Ministry, Live on Purpose with Sherry Self.  She has earned the reputation of being extraordinary.  Sherry Self knowledge , expertise and heart are clear as she inspires her weekly viewers to Live on Purpose.  In  2004, Sherry answered the call of God to preach the gospel. As this  Licensed & Anointed evangelist preaches, she captivates her audience by her fiery zeal & sense of humor.   Sherry has a passion to help others seek out their God-given purpose through her workshops and empowerment sessions. And when Sherry prays, she doesn't use empty words. She prays with power and believes  God for the answers.  As Co- Author of Tying the Knot Between Ministry and the Marketplace. She help readers to realize that, this is not a book about ministry , its not a book about the marketplace, but it's a book about the Ministry and the  Marketplace. They go together like  hand and glove.   Sherry  believes with everything in her that God