White Girl Bleed A Lot With Colin Flaherty

HUNDREDS OF Armed fellas threaten to burn down Louisville. a new podcast from Colin Flaherty



This post HUNDREDS OF Armed fellas threaten to burn down Louisville. a new podcast from Colin Flaherty by Colin Flaherty appeared first on White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime. herunterladen Follow The same heavily armed, big-talking fellas who marched into Stone Mountain,Georgia a month ago showed up in Louisville over the weekend lol. This time to protest how Louisville cops killed a black woman for no reason what so EVAH! Before the protest began, one of these weekend warriors accidentally shot himself and two [...] This post HUNDREDS OF Armed fellas threaten to burn down Louisville. a new podcast from Colin Flaherty by Colin Flaherty appeared first on White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime.