Happy Healthy Human Radio - Find Balance With Samantha Attard Phd, Ryt, Doula

How to actually get benefits from Ayurveda



Share your feedback and reflections from this podcast - I'm on Instagram at @spirocollective, or send me an email: sam[at]spirocollective[dot]com. In this week's podcast: My history with Ayurveda and how to actually get benefits from the practice A yoga practice that breaks down ardha chandrasana (half moon pose). The interview with Rep John Lewis that I loved Understanding the racial wealth gap in America New week's livestream yoga schedule! Links and Recommendations: Sign up for an Ayurvedic consultation! - spirocollective.com/ayurvedic-consultation Ayurvedic Dosha Quiz - spirocollective.com/discover-your-dosha-quiz Blog: I know my dosha...now what?: spirocollective.com/beginner-ayurveda-tips  Book: Ayurveda for Dummies by Sahara Rose: https://www.amazon.com/Ayurveda-Idiots-Guides-Sahara-Ketabi/dp/1465462767 Podcast: Understanding Cycles and Seasons: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6i1YRNVro2OgxsnxtTXXER?si=x-22vaMtTHeFkm90nUp_eQ 60 Minute All Levels Vinyasa: https://www.patreo