Everyday Strong

God's Keys to Shape Your Life



Have you ever found yourself wanting to detox from social media or even the news? Have you ever felt like everything reported or posted was so negative, however you just can’t control the urge to read or hear more? Those very things begin to consume your life and start to see it shape the way you view things. What if I told you that you control what you allow to shape your life by the things you do daily? Positivity begets positivity, changing your circles, your morning routine, and your nighttime routine can dramatically shift the way you view life, pushing you in a more optimistic direction. This process will not only work for you but it will work for your spouse and your children. It’s time to stop allowing life to “happen” it’s time to create the life that you want. Tune in to this segment as Dr. Daniels discusses God’s keys to shape your life.