Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

A Different Possibility with Family; Guests ~ Julie and Christy Perkins



Family can be a not-so-fun area of life for so many people, and for so many reasons, and with the holidays that is often amplified!  You may be spending more time with family you’d prefer not to be with, or missing family, wishing you had a family, or just wondering what it would take to have ease in this area.  What if this reality’s version of ‘family’ is inherently not easeful for people because of all the expectations and projections that come along with it?  What if there was a totally different possibility with family that includes allowance, honoring, gratitude, vulnerability, and trust?  What if you could have no judgment of your family even if they judge you? Would you be willing to have a different possibility with family regardless of whether your family chooses it or not? Join Heather as she interviews Julie Perkins and her 14 year old daughter, Christy Perkins on the difference they have created with and in their family. Christy Perkins is an Artist, Creative Writer, Musician and Singer/Songwrite