Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Perfectionism is the Killer of Creation; Guest – Kathy Williams



How many projects are you waiting to start?  How many relationships are you not choosing?  How many adventures are you not letting yourself have?  Are you working really hard to get it all perfect before you even let yourself play with the energy or the possibilities of what it could be? Join Heather and Kathy as they dive into what perfectionism actually creates... or doesn't create.. whichever the case may be.  What else is possible beyond getting it perfect? Kathy Williams is a Best Selling Author and a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, Transformational Coach, Speaker, and Yoga Therapist. For over 15 years Kathy has been sharing tools and techniques to empower people to move beyond physical & emotional pain and into lives of joyous possibility.  From new businesses & careers, to raises, from meeting a partner to creating a life, Kathy is a master at helping people get what they want. Reach her at